Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oh, One More Thing

Hi. I'm not actually here, right now. I'm somewhere in the wilderness, on a tour of National Parks with My Betrothed. Camping out. Roughing it. But it occurred to me that the pictures I posted last week were not in fact the pictures that had been "popularly demanded," and thus, the title of last week's post was a bit of a misnomer!

This has nothing to do with me attempting to fill space by stretching what should have been one photo post in to two.


Nothing whatsoever.

So, without further ado, pictures of the ring!

Well, maybe a bit more further ado. Here's there computer mock-up that GreenKarat sent me.
Courtesy: GreenKarat.  Perhaps I should have asked permission.  Please don't sue.

I don't know much about jewelry, so I had to send a nice email to the lady who coordinates custom orders to ask her whether those big, bulky, metal prongs would actually look that way in the finished ring. She assured me that they would not. I breathed a sign of relief, comfortable in my newfound knowledge that the ring I had ordered was not, in fact, a deadly weapon.

And here's the real thing, in it's rightful place.
The Rock

She's about to give me a fist bump there, I think. Here's a closer picture of the ring.

And another angle.
Ah!  My eyes!

So there you have it. I don't have any more pre-typed posts up my sleeve. I hope you can live without me. Any more posts before we return from vacation on the 4th will be as much a surprise to me as they are to you. See you then!


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