Thursday, April 1, 2010


Hey, everyone. 

I know it's been some time since I posted here, and I owe you all an explanation.

There's just no easy way to say this, and believe me, I've tried thinking of better ways.  And I've put it off until I knew that I absolutely just could not avoid it. 

The wedding is off. 

She and I have been fighting recently.  It started over little things, I guess.  I mean, we dealt with things just fine back in November when she was diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease.  And she stood by me even in January when my other girlfriend served me with a paternity suit.  But lately...

I'm sorry.  There are some things that I can handle and some things I just can't.  And her insistence that the invitations be that particular shade of orange is... well it's the latter.  I'm not saying I'm completely innocent here.  Clearly I reacted too strongly when she fought my suggestion to have a live lamb slaughtered at the ceremony and then served to the guests.  I suppose it's understandable that she might object to that.  And I should have been more flexible.  It's only a family tradition that goes back at least four centuries on my mother's father's mother's uncle's father's father's sister's mother's side.

I should have told you all sooner.  I know I've put on a smiley face at work, and around town.  No one knew anything was wrong.  But now, it's all out in the open.  My only regret is that I can't get my half of the deposits back. 


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