Monday, January 25, 2010

Link Mondays: A New Tradition (?) (Or: Why I should change my name to Jennifer if I want to be a wedding blogger)

Maybe I'm getting a bit over-ambitious. So far, this year, I've kept up with my resolution to post once a week. I don't know if bumping that up to twice a week is necessarily wise, given my past tendencies to burn out on projects like this relatively quickly. (See November and December, 2009)

But I also don't feel like a post made entirely of links to other sites should count as a "post" for purposes of the aforementioned resolution.

So I'm posting this on a Monday rather than the usual Friday, and hoping to start a new tradition of posting lots of links to things on Mondays. Today I'll be linking to several blogs that I have found amusing, useful, intriguing, or captivating during my tenure as Groom to Be.

First up is a site My Betrothed and I have been following since well before I started this blog, Cake Wrecks! Five days a week (sometimes more) Jen Yates and/or her husband John post one or more professionally decorated cakes that just really make you stop and go "WTF?!" in the truest since of the acronym. On Sundays they post a "Sunday Sweets" feature, which is all about cakes that have gone right. It's not strictly a wedding related site, but they do have many choice wedding cake wrecks and sweets. Also, groom's cakes, a tradition I don't entirely understand. They have a book for sale, as well as some other stuff. This Sunday Jen's post was all about Mario Wedding Cakes! Since both My Betrothed and I are big Nintendo fans, we really enjoyed this one.

Next comes a wedding specific site, Green Wedding Shoes. The author of this site, also named Jen, is a creative director, graphic designer, and stylist. She describes herself as a recent newlywed, and her blog is just pretty! (I'm losing guy cred here, aren't I?) Don't get me wrong, there is text on the site, and she's a lovely writer but when I'm browsing her blog I mostly just stare and stare at the pictures. If you're planning a wedding, and need to peruse for inspiration, you could do much worse than scrolling through a few of Jen's blog posts. She seems to prefer funky and/or natural wedding concepts, which I like. She's got several posts on green weddings, Do it Yourself ideas, and backyard weddings, all of which I'm still exploring. She also posts a lot about vendors that are local to her. And right now, until the 31st of the month, she's doing a giveaway for a free "Dream Love Shoot" for an engaged or married couple. She also has a ton of links that I'm still working my way through. For instance:

I just learned about the blog Earth Friendly Weddings while putting together this very post! Apparently it's the "official blog" of Earthly Affair, an eco-friendly wedding invitation site. The blog itself, though, is not limited to advertising the company's invites. Instead, there's information on buying organic food, some eco-conscious jewelry, and pictures of pretty wedding cakes. Which, I think, brings me full circle. Wait, not quite there yet. Turns out the blogger for Earth Friendly Weddings is named... Jen. Are these all the same person or something?

As I'm still new to the blogging thing, please feel free to let me know if this type of link-dumping is boring, useful, or both. See you Friday!


  1. Definitely useful for me in the (hopefully) near future! I've been following Cake Wrecks for a while...they had a funny bit on UT Longhorn mascot cakes...they were just AWFUL, but hilarious all the same. I'm excited about Link I sometimes find it hard to find something to read at work during downtimes... for some reason my mind just goes blank here!

  2. Good to know this is (will be?) helpful. After all the links you've given me, it's the least I could do, right?
