Thursday, January 7, 2010

Various and Sundry

Over to the right, I believe, you will now begin to see some Google Ads. This is because My Betrothed and I have thought it over, talked it over, and decided that selling out to the man just a teensy little bit couldn't hurt, not just this once. I have some limited control over that ad space, so if you ever see something that offends you, or that you think would offend me, or My Betrothed, or something that is just plain offensive, give me a heads up. I'll see what I can do. For now, though, know that all the money (if any) earned from this sell-out will go to the wedding.

It's not the most creative way to supplement the bride and groom's budget. If creative payment is what you want, the couple at Wedding Cans may be what you're looking for. If you haven't seen the news coverage of this venture (my mother discovered this and forwarded it to me. Of course, my mother holds a black-belt in Google-fu, so watch out!) and are too lazy to click the link, here's the scoop: Pete and Andrea of Spokane, WA, are attempting to pay for their wedding by recycling 400,000 aluminum cans. Now that's something I can get behind. In fact, My Betrothed and I are contemplating blatantly ripping this idea off, but we're not sure cash for recycle programs in our state really make this feasible, and living (as we do) hundreds of miles apart, we don't really have the time to pick up cans collected by our friends, loved ones, and internet stalkers. We'll keep you posted.

On another tangent, I want to give a shout-out to our friend Wrayvin. Wrayvin is not only the most consistent commenter on Impending Groom, she also supplies us with helpful hints from time to time. Most recently, she posted this link to a blog about a couple in Austin who seem to have similar tastes to our own. Thanks for the tips, Wrayvin!

I shall end this rather aimless and wandering (but Resolution fulfilling!) post with a teaser of next week's installment: My Betrothed has bought us tickets to the Arizona Bridal Show. Fear for me!


1 comment:

  1. I'm JEALOUS!! They hold those shows here in Austin too. Someday.....
